Saturday, November 15, 2008

Russian interest in Iceland: Russian media

As I`ve blogged about earlier, the Russian government has offered Iceland a substantial cash loan following the Icelandic economic collapse.

The Moscow Times
, also blogged about earlier, is owned by the Finnish-Danish Sanoma media group and is a good source of news from Russia. This news story (fifth paragraph) is carefully questioning the motivation of the initiative from Kremlin.

Western media coverage on the initiative (apart from Russian mainstream media) points at increasing Russian domestication of the High North. The Nordic countries and other nations with an interest in the Arctic seem to have come to the same conclusion, as they have lined up to offer Iceland financial help following the Russian initiative. Russian mainstream media report the scepticism as yet another example of western bias.

This news story from BBC highlights the question marks raised on Russian motivation for rescuing the Icelandic economy and offer good background to the story.

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