Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Politovskaya-trial reopened to the public

The Russian mainstream TV station RT published this story (above) today, as the Anna Politovskaya-trial is reopened to the public following the controversial and internationally criticised decision to close it to the public last Wednesday, as Reporters Without Borders and a united western media expressed disapproval.

- So is this a victory for press freedom in Russia, then?

The Guardian published this feature yesterday, the headline runs "To be a journalist in Russia is suicide", following the attack on Moscow-based journalist and editor Mikhail Beketov earlier this month. According to the story, Beketov was attacked in his garden with clubs, breaking his fingers and skull before leaving him for dead, laying unconscious for two days before a neighbour called the police.
"The police appeared unbothered by the assault and - assuming he was dead - flung a blanket over Beketov`s face. At this time the journalist`s arm twitched."
The Guardian published another comment a few days ago, pointing out that western media (as well as Putin and his allies) are pushing an impression of Putin as an all-mighty dictator that controls every aspect of the country, while the reality is that the very special democracy he undoubtedly is in charge of does not allow any single person to have such power.

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