Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lazy journalism

The student/academic initiated organization Human Rights In China published a statement last week, welcoming the Chinese government`s decision to make permanent temporary media regulations that have provided greater freedom for foreign journalists reporting in China since January 2007. The statement then went on to urge the Chinese government to extend these freedoms to domestic journalists.

Aftenposten, a Norwegian daily broadsheet, ran a news story today on Chinese officials refusing a Norwegian delegation of politicians, civil servants and “experts” to bring journalists into Tibet during the much delayed discussions with China on human rights.
There is a lot of public interest in this news story.

The problem is it doesn`t offer any comment from a Chinese official. As it stands, the information in the copy comes solely from the Norwegian foreign minister`s office. I`m sure they had a nice chat.

As much as I disagree with the
Chinese government`s attitude towards press freedom and control of information, I can`t help but ask myself: If you don`t apply balance or opposing view to your copy, can you really criticize the Chinese approach?

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